As part of your email service Amazing Support provides you with an advanced spam and virus filtering service called Hornet. It analyses the content of emails and takes action based on how they are classified.



Email that could potentially be spam but is most likely legitimate such as newsletters.


Email that is most definitely spam.


These emails contain links or files that are potentially harmful.

You cannot preview or release these. If you believe a message is legitimate please email to request the release.
(please tell us who the sender is and the subject line so we can find the message)

Even if you have added the sender to your allow list, this kind of email will be blocked. This is for your own protection in case the senders account was compromised.

Quarantine Reports

If any email has been blocked, you will receive an email with the subject starting ‘Quarantine report’

If you would like to receive the blocked email you can simply press deliver.

If you are unsure then click the preview button. (not available if classed as a threat)

If the email was incorrectly marked as spam and you want to allow future emails from this user you optionally add the sender to your allow list.

Login to Hornet

Login with your email address.

If you do not know your password then you can click Reset password? to get a new one by email.
If you do not receive a password reset email then please email


The dashboard will show you all today’s emails but you can change the date filter.
You can also hide delivered messages so you will only see what has been blocked. 




To deliver a message to your inbox that was blocked click on the ‘play arrow’ and then click deliver email.
 You can also preview email that you are not sure about.


You can also block the sender by clicking “Add sender to deny list” or if the email is from someone you know and trust you can click “Add sender to allow list & deliver email” to never block from them again.

Deny & Allow Lists

You can build up your personal deny and allow lists using the method above. However if you want to manually review, add or remove senders you can do so using the menu on the left side.